Project Update, 26th of October

Gauntlet E-Sport
3 min readOct 26, 2021

Hi Everyone,

Here is last week’s update! We apologise for it being a few days late, we were waiting to get the website live.


We had additional work to get the site launched which we completed it over the last couple of days and finally it’s up. It was supposed to be completed last week however we had to work on coding some elements into the site and do additional work to some of the documents. You can check it out here


We are delighted to inform our community that if anybody wants to jump in, we are back in action with Vault. We’ve three packages to choose from if you wish to support us and get involved in our journey. A big shout out to Ian and company over there, we appreciate your partnership very much. To purchase from Vault just click any of the packages on the website and it will bring you to our packages page within the Vault platform.

Subscription Box

We are using Email Octopus as our preferred communication tool with those that subscribe to our update service. This will release our weekly updates, new releases, podcast schedules etc going forward. The subscription box won’t be active until later during the week but we will announce it when it is. We are super excited! Email Octopus only work with approved businesses and work nicely within the crypto space. We are delighted to work with them.


Our new look updated whitepaper is now on the site and available from multiple locations to view, download and even print if you wish. We’ve covered a lot in it and it is not an exhaustive overview of gaming or what we intend however it will give you a very accurate snapshot of who we are, what we want to accomplish and how we can make a difference in the lives of gamers and other technology enthusiasts.

Most importantly we got to look further into the client itself and its functionality. We are super excited about this demo version that we hope to have it completed before Christmas. Our prototype will be after Christmas and into the first quarter of 2022, however the demo version will give everybody a full glimpse really of how it will look by downloading it and we will have with it a full tutorial of how it works and how the various elements will merge together including the wallet itself, GAU purchasing etc.


We completed the website this week including the necessary back-end coding and progressed on with the ‘Rewards’ tab of the client. In relation to the ‘Store’ tab, we may have some exciting news in our next update. So please stay tuned.

Next Week

We will continue to work on the rewards tab with some fresh ideas for it  before we dive into the store tab which will be very exciting for us. We will also continue to tweak and add relevant material to the website as necessary. We will begin planning our awareness campaign this week also towards the end of the week which will including some exciting podcasting and publication series being released over the coming weeks and months. We are another week closer folks!

Until then, have a great week and speak to you all next weekend.

Gauntlet Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.