Project Update, 13th of November

Gauntlet E-Sport
3 min readNov 15, 2021

Hi Everyone,

Hope we are all doing well and excited! Here is this week’s update!


We have been working on a new client layout and we have fully revamped the design. You will see screenshots next week to showcase what we have done. We have also finished the rewards tab and will continuing with the shop page next week.


We are still progressing on the GDPR document which will encompass the importance of compliance in this industry. Massive amounts of player data, demographic information, playing history and payment logs are all different types of data that Gauntlet will be managing to provide the best possible gaming experience for all our users.

This comes with it a huge amount of responsibility, transparency and accountability. This document will outline Gauntlets role in data management and compliance within this highly legislative environment. All users will be aware of their own data routes and how they will be able to control their data within the Gauntlet system. We are behind in this particular document as there is so much in it but we need to be ready when we launch the client to the public. This document will be placed on our website next week after completion.

We are also going to provide as mentioned last week a more comprehensive roadmap which will drill down into further specifics during the remainder of this year and into the next two years. This document should be completed within two weeks and also will be made public on the website.

Gauntlet Discord Community Moderator

We have a new moderator joining us this week. Andrew will assist us in answering questions, providing information and managing the weekly competitions going forward. He will be active a few hours per day so if you see him in the rooms, say hi and let us know your questions or feedback.

Weekly competitions

We are now, starting from next week going to launch weekly competitions. They will comprise of 7 questions; each question being asked daily in the main Gauntlet chat. At the end of the week, the winner will be selected after the final questions are answered. The prize weekly will be a $30-$50 gift card which can be used on the G2A shop platform, our partner. All questions will be crypto and gaming related and will require an answer time of no less than 2 hours after the question has been posted to qualify as a successful entry candidate. So, starting from Monday, watch the main chat

ESport Tournaments

We are planning to have our very first ESport tournament before Christmas. Andrew again will be the point of contact for us with this. Winners of the tournament on a selected game will receive a full Gauntlet Masternode worth 5,000 GAU. There will be second and third prizes also. We will provide more details about this in our next update. We will be rolling things out slowly as we build on our completed work so if you know of anybody that would be interested in this project, bring them in, invite to our server and keep an eye on our updates.

Next Week

We will be releasing screenshots of our GAU Client to date, our new re-vamp style and a look at our completed tabs. We will also have our first gift card competition ever so stay tuned in our main chat daily for the questions. Watch out also for Andrew on our server, he will be popping in and out talking to people. We will complete the GDPR document and continue with the roadmap breakdown.

Wallet Upgrade

This is coming very soon. We will release a date when we are ready. If you would like to get our updates to your inbox, simply subscribe to our newsletter on our website and we will send you these updates to view whenever you wish.

Lots to look forward to folks! Until next week, take care.

Gauntlet Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.