January 28th, 2022 Update!

Gauntlet E-Sport
3 min readJan 28, 2022

Here is this week’s awesome update….


The first quarter of our roadmap will show the arrival of our showcase demo client. We are about 70% complete and cannot wait to release it. Each week we are getting closer. Users will be able to download the client, sift through all the client tabs and experience some cool features. Are you excited?

Social Activity

Each weekday now, we are posting engaging articles on all of our social platforms to not only educate but encourage interaction. We welcome your views and thoughts on our posts and if there is anything you’d like posting please let us know on our Discord channel or email us info@gauclient.com.

Weekly Articles

Each week starting from next week, we will be releasing some articles about Gauntlet, our journey, our hopes, dreams, and product plans for the future. We want to achieve great things here at Gauntlet and pull communities together in many different kinds of ways. Keep an eye out for them and if there is anything, in particular, you would like us to talk about regarding the business or its future please let us know :)

New Gauntlet Survey

In order to get some accurate data to better provide experiences, products, and services going forward, we’ve come up with a very cool way of engaging with you guys. We announced the survey release earlier today in our announcements room just above this update so please go and participate in it.

If you complete it, you’ll get an entry to win some GAU! If you share it you’ll get more and if you share it twice you’ll come out with three entries into the same draw! The draw for the GAU prizes will take place at the start of March 2022.

This data-gathering exercise will assist us greatly folks.

New Telegram Bot

Next week we will integrate our bot into the Telegram community chat. This will allow users without engaging in the room with other members to select specific keywords which will populate information about that word. So if you want to know about our Whitepaper, you’ll just type #whitepaper and the bot will bring up a link and information about it.

Likewise too with keywords such as; website, socials, exchanges, mojo, updates, etc. We understand that people are busy and don’t want to be waiting for somebody to get back to them. This bot will be a welcome addition to our Telegram efforts. So don’t be afraid to try it out when it’s launched. We are considering ones for Facebook and Discord also.

Altlilly 3.0 Partner with XEGGEX

Altlilly 3.0 has now partnered with the German exchange XEGGEX. Our listing will more than likely now be with them. However, saying this we would like to check them out further and examine XEGGEX a bit more. Stay tuned for more information on this as not every listing is always a good one. It’s always better to do your homework.

Many have also asked about Deconomy, this is on the cards for the first quarter of this year. We will release more information once this transpires. We also plan on listing with other exchanges as resources become available later in the year.

Finally, do not forget we will be looking into other platforms and listing sites in the coming months.

That’s it folks until next week!

Gauntlet Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.