Gauntlet Update May13th, 2023


Hi everyone! Hope you’re doing well. Here’s what we’ve been up to this week at Gauntlet:

Development News

  • Web3 integration to the client
  • ReVolt agreement review and approval
  • New roadmap review and approval
  • Individual developer tab tasks completed

    Business Development
  • Apeswap awareness of Gauntlet completed
  • ReVolt partnership contract amendment and approved
  • Gauntlet Tournament discussion opened
  • Additional partnerships outreach


  • Instagram and Twitter posts
  • LinkedIn account clean up
  • Account outreach for promotion
  • Spanish community engagement
  • Website design being worked on
  • Roadmap design and approval

Graphic Design

  • Gauntlet Token graphic approved
  • Gauntlet logo graphic approved
Gauntlet log and Gauntlet Token graphics

Next week

  • Roadmap graphic being worked on
  • Additional Social Media Engagement
  • ESport University initiative discussion
    and more ….

That’s it for this week folks, see you all next week!

Gauntlet Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.