Gauntlet Update April 22nd, 2023

Gauntlet E-Sport
2 min readApr 24, 2023


Good morning everyone! Here’s what the Gauntlet Team has been up to during the past week:

💻 Development News:

  • Alberto finished the game library page
  • Nedy is completing the last touches for the login, signup, and forgot password database connection and authorisation
  • Fury is working on our new website which is expected to be completed by the end of the month 🌐
  • Let’s welcome JeqS and SamuSarmiento to our team! 🎉 Both are working on new tasks, with JeqS working on the ESports page and Samu working on the education page/portal 📚

🏢 Business Development News:

  • Well done Manu on securing a potential partnership with an ESport team! 🤝
  • We’ve been approached by investors to sell large quantities of coins, but we’re selective on who we sell to and the quantities. 🧐
  • We’re in talks with YouTubers and Twitter accounts to raise awareness of the project 📢

🎉 Marketing News:

  • Virginia has been working hard on our mascot, and we’ve come up with a few great sketches 🦍
  • Dwido is building up our social media presence on Instagram and building up our Spanish community 🇪🇸
  • Sr. Phoenix is our new business operations manager who is reaching out to small investors and other communities 💼

📆 Next Week:

  • We’re following our click-up tasks and trialing an ambassador 👀
  • We’ll continue to work on and finalize the mascot and logo
  • Development will continue on various tab clients
  • Tokenomics blueprint being worked on 🔍
  • We’ll have a roadmap call during the week 🗺
  • Additional marketing activities will be pursued

💰 Current liquidity: 2.21 BNB ($717)

👋 Until next week, everybody! Gauntlet Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.