Gauntlet ESport Progress 11th August, 2020

Gauntlet E-Sport
2 min readAug 11, 2020

We are delighted to announce that we have completed Phase 1 of our project last Sunday. We are now even more delighted and excited to tell you that Phase 2 is now active!

We have been accepted by Crex to be listed on their exchange. We have submitted all the required documentation and paid the fee. We expect to be listed in the timeframe between 3–10 days from today :)

During the interm we have sent 500,000 GAU coins to our partner Vault so people can purchase from there while we wait for our listing later this week. Here is the link where you can purchase GAU on Vault:

We are beside ourselves that we sold out Phase 1 in less than one week but
this has allowed us to rapidly continue on with our work. This month has
some exciting deliverables so be sure to check out our Roadmap and public Trello board on our website.

Gaming and cryptocurrency are the perfect partners and our vision includes
this perfect synergistic relationship both for gamers and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. We are aiming to build a huge platform that will integrate Pos technology for game time rewards and Esport events surroudning our game products and services which will include game servers and game purchases along with streaming functionality amd much more.

Now is the best time to support us. Keep an eye on our Discord group too for other announcements and live help or answers to any of your questions relating to this project.

Until our next chat,


Gauntet ESports Team



Gauntlet E-Sport

Gauntlet is a new paid-to-play gaming model that rewards players for playing their favourite games using the GAU Client.